Most people think that having a regular job with regular salary income is the best thing in the whole world. But little do they realize that though there may seem to be a sense of security in doing a job. It can be risky as well, especially in today's fast changing world. Most of the employees are taken by surprise when the plug is pulled off and they suddenly find themselves “laid-off” due to some strategic business move. Usually the lay-offs become more probable at middle management levels.
Instead of this, you can carefully plan out your entrepreneurial step. I would not suggest going the entrepreneurial way straight out of college, unless there is a very good “mentor” set-up for such entrepreneurs. It is good to garner some work experience before taking the plunge.
But this leaves a gaping question as to how to ideate? How to choose the industry and define a business model? My book ‘WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS: How to SPOT an Opportunity Gap And be an ENTREPRENEUR’ highlights this key issue for starting your entrepreneurial journey.
Log on soon to know where to pick up your copy.